If you have read my previous blogs on other hosts, the very first thing that pops to your mind when you take a glance at this blog would be: why do I constantly hop around using different hosts and addresses?
It all started with Friendster, mother of web networking; thus in convenience I opted to use its blog service. However, soon it was found that the blog host only provides basic features and cash is required to obtain more sophisticated features, which by other blogs standard is actually basic.
Thus, goodbye to Friendster and hello Windows Space blog. Long story short, despite housing better features, Windows Blog is somehow less eventful and its space for creativity is constricted.
Somehow I am aware that Blogspot's feature is a little complicated for a Simple Sally like me. Diving straight into Blogspot would definitely result in getting lost in the labyrinth of blog features and terms and eventually, the way will never get clear.
I reached to the breaking point when I read Anna's and Howe's blogs-so inspiring, so pretty. That's it. I want to add fun stuffs to my blog too.
Lo, and behold~! My very own blog on Blogspot!