The best to avoid getting yourself hurt is not to expect from the people you matter how tiny your expectation may be.
It is always easier said than done. And my actions spoke much louder than my own words. Again and again, I get disappointed by my own anticipation.
If then, why do I keep hoping so much? I wish to be more grateful, to be thankful - for instance, I am not a victim of any calamities that hit on Earthlings even more frequent than the Old Faithful. But no, it can't be helped; the grass is much greener on the other side.
I can't help but to keep on wishing that I will get to talk those sweet nothings on the phone, or meet up with him which only end up meeting empty frustrations.
Just hand me fries and burgers and I'll be fine. I'm famished and it dries my endorphines out.
kesian!! Why no makanan to eat???
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