Rotten Trip

Today has been a day which successfully increases my blood pressure and test my patience to a brand new greater heights so high that Edmund Hilary would find conquering Mount Everest as a mere peanuts munching compared to the ordeal faced through today.

I have two simple extra work to do for the office I work for today.
  1. Pay water bill.
  2. Pay phone bill.

Such seemingly simple work, yet the sagacity involved would be so complicated that it would just put Einstein and Newton's Physics formulation combined to shame.

Originally with only one task, I went to settle water bill first. Alas, as I reached Bank Simpanan after a long walk that seem to take eternity, it was closed for lunch. I then had to walk back the route of eternity to the office.

Then when time's up, the boss asked me to pay up the phone bill along but has to be settled in another bank. Alright, then I walked to Bank Simpanan and halfway through, I realised I brought with me the phone bill but forgot the water bill. Took a deep breath and say to myself it's OK and so I walked back to collect the water bill.

This time I chose to settle the phone bill instead. Alright, then I paid it and headed to Bank Simpanan. Halfway through the Route of Eternity, I sniffed trouble and searched my pockets. Much to my dismay, the water bill wasn't with me! I had to run back all the way through the Route of Eternity, again to the other bank and luckily I found it on the floor..thank goodness the cleaner hadn't cleaned it up. Phew.

This time, no screws up. Cash, check. Bill, check. Then in to Bank Simpanan to get my turn for solid 20 minutes. Passed the bill to the cashier and guess what? "Payment not accessible through this centre because the bill statement is overdue".

I feel like being in Archie's Comics.


Annie said...

Adih... byk nia kerja...anyway, gambatte!!!